Wednesday Writing Prompt

Dear Teen Me


Happy Hallow’s Eve!  Since I am sure your day is saturated in sugar, awkward costumes and zombie face paint …  how about we depart from a thematic prompt?  Glad you agree – I have seen enough disturbing renditions of Disney characters to last a lifetime.  Honestly, Snow White’s dress does not need to be that short.  Did you ever wear a Halloween costume as a teen you wish you wouldn’t have?  Look back at pictures and cringe?  Yes, that was before I knew the word feminism.

What else would you like to tell your teen self?  Don’t loose faith girlfriend, men aren’t all terrible.  I am sure we have all once had the desire to say something to our younger selves, felt that strange need to parent ourselves.  It is such a bizarre phenomena, but we all have it!

Yesterday was the publication date of Dear Teen Me, an anthology of published authors writing letters to their teen selves. There are several local Austin authors and WLT members featured in the book including: PJ Hoover, Jo Whittemore, Don Tate, Jessica Lee Anderson, K.A. Holt, Nikki Loftin, Mari Mancusi, Bethany Hegedus, Jenny Moss, Stephanie Pellegrin, Cynthia Leitich Smith, and -WLT’s own- Jennifer Ziegler (word is that Jennifer’s lovely face graces the book cover!)  The entire collection was edited by local writer E. Kristin Anderson.

So for this weeks prompt, write a letter to your younger self.  It can be comical, supportive, a tear jerker.  Follow your heart.  This letter may remind you of something you had buried in your memory.  Something that could create a new project or enhance one you are in.  As you know, I am all for including therapy in writing prompts.  We are writers, we need the therapy.  Obviously.



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