Meet the Members

Dick Lister joined the Writers’ League last month. He lives in San Antonio.
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Scribe: In what genre(s) do you write? 
Dick Lister: Nonfiction – sports.
Scribe: What authors would you like to have coffee or a beer with and which beverage?
DL: Beer or bourbon with Dan Jenkins and Frank Deford and coffee with David Maraniss and Michael Lewis.
Scribe: If you were stranded on a deserted island, what book would you want to have with you to keep you sane?
DL: The Bible.
Scribe: What have you learned from your association with the Writers’ League?
DL: In the brief time I’ve been a member, I’m excited that there is a wonderful community whose members care passionately about expressing the written word.
Scribe: Where do you see your writing taking you (or you taking it) in the future? 
DL: I wish I knew. As in the past, I’ll let the rip current take me where it will.
Scribe: Is there anything else about you that you would like to share with the world? An opportunity for blatant self-promotion!
DL: Having lived in Southern California for 64 years, I wasn’t sure how I would adjust to living in Texas. But to my great joy, I love it!

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