Meet the Members

Felix Morgan joined the Writers’ League last month. She lives in Austin, Texas.
Felix Morgan
Scribe: In what genre(s) do you write?
Felix Morgan: I like the phrase weird fiction. In part because it can hold a lot in it. I write funny things, dark things, sexy things. Sometimes all at once. Someone called a short story of mine “horror erotica” recently which I thought was interesting. My current project is a comedic feminist werewolf romance novel, which I feel like is a real growth area.
Scribe: What authors would you like to have coffee or a beer with and which beverage?
FM: I want to have a beer or three with my former professor Stephen Graham Jones, my future best friend Pat Rothfuss, Owen Egerton because he’s just the best, and maybe we could prop up the corpse of Oscar Wilde in the corner. Get weird, you know.
Scribe: If you were stranded on a deserted island, what book would you want to have with you to keep you sane?
FM: Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell. Theres a lot happening in there that I love, so I could reread it. It also has a lot of pages so I could start fires, finally learn origami, or fashion myself paper mache shoes.
Scribe: What have you learned from your association with the Writers’ League?
FM: There are so many more events and people doing amazing literary things than I realized! What a wonderful resource.
Scribe: Where do you see your writing taking you (or you taking it) in the future?
FM: I want to explore more about what scares people and why. I want to produce smart, sexy, and clever heroines that defy stereotypes in genre fiction. I want to make myself and others uncomfortable, freaked out, and a little turned on.
Scribe: Is there anything else about you that you would like to share with the world? An opportunity for blatant self-promotion!
FM: I seem to have accidentally started a small press in Austin specializing in weird bits of short fiction. We just published a Halloween anthology where I asked local authors to imagine past relationships as monster stories. It’s called The Monsters Who Loved Me. You can buy our things here and can send us stuff to read at

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