Meet the Members

We are proud to introduce our new series ‘Meet the Members’! For our inaugural post, we have Mary Black! Mary joined the Board of Directors as an interim member. She will begin her 3 year term in 2014.

In what genres do you write?

Mary Black: Historical fiction and archaeological mystery

What authors would you like to have coffee or beer with?

MB: Wow, how to choose?  Well, I’d like to chat with Richard Adams, author of Watership Down (1972), a beautiful fantasy novel.  I love the world he created, and I’d like to know how he did it.  It was his first novel, by the way.  I’d also like to talk to Deborah Harkness, history professor at the University of Southern California, and author of A Discovery of Witches (2011) and Shadow of Night (2012).  I can’t wait for the third book in the trilogy!  I would like to know how she managed to write these books and still fulfill her responsibilities at the university. I don’t think I could do it. I would let her order wine for us, as she also writes an award-winning blog, Good Wine.If you were stranded on a deserted island, what book would you want to keep you sane?
MB: Hard one.  First, I’d just sit mesmerized by the sea for a long time each day, I’m sure. Then I would watch the stars at night as they move across the sky.  As for a book, I might wish for Tale of Two Cities because it’s the longest book I can think of.What have  you learned from your association with the Writers’ League?

MB: I’ve been to a lot of classes that have been very helpful, and I always pick up something new at Third Thursday events.  I was clueless about marketing and how the publishing business actually works, and I’ve learned a lot about those aspects.

Where do you see your writing taking you (or you taking it) in the future?

MB: As soon as I finish the historical novel I’m working on now, I have three archaeological mysteries planned that build off the world in the novel.  I also have a series of romance mysteries planned that I will write with a collaborator.  This will keep me busy!

Is there anything else you would like to share with the world?

MB: Yes.  I hope everyone will visit my companion blog at to learn more about the world of my novel, and my Facebook page for archaeology news.
Make sure you stay tuned as we bring you another member each week!
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