Wednesday Writing Prompt

Got to Get You into My Life

Do you ever wonder what your favorite musician’s life is like beyond the basic ‘Personal Life’ section on wikipedia? Pick one of your favorite artists and research their personal history on their wikipedia page. Whether it be two paragraphs or two pages, fill in the blanks with your own fictional biography.

What is it like to be a local phenomenon like Austinite, Bob Schneider? How does Bob Dylan spend his Sunday afternoons? What scandalous crime did Randy Newman commit while vacationing in Maui?

Now take what you’ve written and put a new face on your character. Give him/her a new look, put them in the studio, and write song lyrics or a poem that reflects the history you’ve created. If you’re feeling particularly ambitious, break out the dusty tuba from your high school marching band and come up with a melody!

Get to work!

– Hannah

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